Your neighbourhood story


How we created a personal welcoming website for every street in the Netherlands.


Dutch bank ABN AMRO provides more than 2000 new mortgages each month. But they wanted to give these new clients a bit more than just money.

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There are many publicly accessible databases that, when combined, can provide us with a wealth of knowledge and interesting facts about neighbourhoods in Holland.


Let's source, disclose and aggregate all interesting public data into a unique webpage for each and every neighbourhood in the Netherlands. Content was generated on the fly based on location, time, weather and available API's.

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Databases from sources like Google, Darksky, Openspending, Royal Monuments and the Dutch Central Agency for Statistics were combined to generate a visually rich page for each neighbourhood in the Netherlands.


A set of parameters determined the transformation of the entire webpage. Not only did every neighbourhood have its own data sources, but also the content differed according to current time and weather.